I'm a software developer living in Christchurch, New Zealand. I love to code!
Cloud • Web • Mobile • Desktop • Server • API • Database • GIS • CMS • Internet Marketing • SEO
An iPhone / iPad / iOS app developed for Environment Canterbury for in-the-field generic data capture. Optimised for offline use in areas with no network coverage. Easily configured for different departments data capture needs including the ability to capture photos and GIS related data. Developed using JavaScript in Titanium.
A web application developed for Environment Canterbury to allow easy publication of data sets to the public through an API. Queriable data sets are easily be added from existing internal databases. Links to other public API's can also be listed, providing a single catalogue to search. Developed using C#, ASP.NET and SQL Server.
A popular interactive topographic map of New Zealand with supporting functionality outdoor enthusiasts find useful. SEO and marketing skills have been picked up actively promoting this website. Developed using JavaScript, C#, ASP.NET and SQL Server. A previous version was developed in Python on Google App Engine.
A worldwide directory of activities and experiences which allows operators to directly add their own services through a specialised content management system. An API allows other websites to consume and present the data to their own audiences. Developed using C#, Visual Basic .NET, ASP.NET and SQL Server.
The iTAG Visitor Guides web site is the online version of New Zealand's widely distributed tourist publication. Built in content management allows iTAG staff to update and maintain its own content and provides functionality for clients to login and update their own listings and review updated listings before magazines go to press. Developed using Visual Basic .NET, ASP.NET and SQL Server.
A fully configurable web based facilities management application targeted at the corporate market. Modules include Room Booking, Desk Booking, Help Desk, Visitors, Repro Graphics, Audio Visual, Performance Monitoring and Management Information. Integrates with Active Directory and Outlook/Exchange. Developed using Visual Basic .NET, C#, ASP.NET, ASP and SQL Server.
A generic call allocation and administration application developed using Visual Basic and SQL Server for TBS Mobility as part of their n-tier client server solution, supporting the PDA based applications they market. The functionality can be infinitely extended through web browser technologies and more directly through standard and customer specific ActiveX add-ins that take advantage of its exposed interface.
An application developed for Wichita in Visual Basic to allow complex machinery to be modeled, ultimately calculating its inertia and referred inertia. MS Word is automated through the use of OLE to allow the generation of a document as an alternative option to producing a printout. Such functionality lends itself well to the use of fax software and allows users to add their own comments to the output.
A game developed in C++ making extensive use of object-oriented techniques learnt during 3 years of academic experience. Inheritance and polymorphism are put to good use.
Grades for C++ related modules include a 1st in Data Structures and a 2:1 for the course-work in Advanced Analysis & Design (using Booch).